Streamline your
healthcare facility
Adopted by health leaders
The next-generation electronic medical record system
Revolutionize your healthcare facility management with our electronic medical record system, merging technological innovation with practicality. Accessible from anywhere, our app enhances care management and enables rapid decision-making.
Enter a new era of continuity of care with a centralized app that transcends traditional medical communication boundaries, facilitating seamless and secure access to critical patient data.
Instamed reinvents personalization with an EMR designed to adapt to the nuances of each specialty. Our tailor-made approach ensures precise care management, aligning with the unique needs of each specialty, resulting in unprecedented efficiency in patient follow-up.
Flexible and mobile-friendly
Provide all stakeholders in your facility with access to a cloud-based EMR through a web and mobile-friendly app. This ensures the freedom to stay connected in all circumstances, guaranteeing continuity and efficiency of care.
Your time
Optimize your organization’s time with our built-in calendar. Designed by institutions for institutions, it seamlessly adapts to the workflow of all stakeholders in your facility.
A shared agenda
Provide your caregivers with a comprehensive view by easily accessing team calendars, patient appointments, and events within your facility. Retrieve all events in a single tool for seamless coordination and improved continuity of care.
With our messenger
Optimize medical communication with our secure messenger, dedicated to professional interactions. It allows caregivers to easily distinguish between professional conversations, ensuring total confidentiality while simplifying communication management.
Better than an email
Our messenger offers tailor-made features for healthcare practices, including group conversations, channels, voice notes, and more. Bonus: any document shared by a patient is automatically classified and indexed in their medical file, ensuring smooth and organized management of exchanges.
Boost communications
Take advantage of instant or delayed conversations and create secure group chats with patients and colleagues. Our messenger is designed for equal efficiency on web and mobile devices, ensuring caregivers and patients can easily stay connected and responsive from anywhere.
All tasks
Free caregivers from repetitive tasks, enabling them to focus on areas where human expertise is essential. With Instamed, transform daily practice into a model of efficiency, where every second counts and every interaction is valued, significantly boosting your facility's effectiveness.
A built-in editor
Our integrated document editor is an exceptionally powerful tool, designed to help you create and customize templates for any document type with ease. It facilitates the creation and modification of models, significantly boosting practice efficiency through its speed and precision. By minimizing errors and saving valuable time, it becomes an indispensable asset in streamlining your workflow.
The smart editor
Our intelligent editor automates medical document completion by extracting data from your database, auto-filling information to reduce errors and save time. It generates accurate documents efficiently and notifies colleagues when new documents are available.
Prescribe anywhere & anytime
Instamed revolutionizes medical prescribing with our mobile feature, allowing doctors to prescribe safely and easily from anywhere.
Prescriptions are instantly accessible to referring physicians and patients, ensuring effective communication and rapid notification. This secure mobility maintains continuity and quality of care, meeting patient needs remotely.
Your patients
Instamed redefines patient engagement for healthcare institutions. Our solution includes self-assessment PROs, satisfaction surveys, and more, enabling patients to actively manage their medical records, add documents, and fully participate in their care journey.
Custom PRO
Enhance patient engagement with fully customized questionnaires. Our ePRO admin allows you to create tailored questions, answers, scales, and set up alerts based on your criteria. This enables you to design precise and relevant questionnaires, ensuring a thorough understanding of patient needs and improving overall care quality and patient satisfaction.
Your performance
Gain a comprehensive view of your facility's performance by analyzing data by department, role (doctors, paramedical staff, etc.), and specialty. Our statistics help identify trends, optimize processes, and convert data into innovative strategies for more effective management and continuous improvement of care.
Optimization of the PMSI collection
Streamline the collection of PMSI data in your facility with our simplified and efficient method, ensuring accurate and rapid data gathering.
Holistic view
Benefit from a complete and integrated vision of your patients' health thanks to our overview of the most frequent pathologies, treatments and much more. This global overview enriches your understanding and supports a holistic approach to care, allowing you to develop informed and personalized care strategies for each patient.
Join the movement
Why Instamed?
Absolument. Instamed applique des normes de sécurité rigoureuses pour protéger toutes les données. De plus, les DSI des établissements peuvent avoir un accès pour gérer la plateforme de manière autonome, sans nécessiter d'intervention de notre service client.
Oui, Instamed est conçu pour être accessible à tous les professionnels de santé de votre établissement, y compris les métiers administratifs. Nous offrons bien sûr un portail patient unique en son genre vous permettant d’être en lien direct avec vos patients ainsi que leur soumettre des questionnaires d’auto-évaluation médicale, de qualité de vie, de pré-admission, post-admission, ainsi que de satisfaction.
Pour souscrire, il vous suffit de nous contacter et de nous faire part de vos besoins. Nous vous enverrons ensuite un devis personnalisé dans les meilleurs délais.
Pour transférer vos données, faites une demande d'extraction auprès de votre fournisseur actuel. Nous prendrons ensuite en charge, sans frais supplémentaires, le transfert de vos données pour vous permettre de profiter pleinement d'Instamed avec toutes vos informations existantes.
Instamed est en cours d'obtention du label Ségur. Nous travaillons activement pour répondre à tous les critères requis, afin d'assurer que notre plateforme soit en parfaite conformité avec les standards du Ségur de la santé. Notre objectif est de fournir une solution certifiée et sécurisée, adaptée aux besoins du secteur de la santé en France.